MacBook is the best computer for high school students. Why is MacBook the best investment for students?

Why Is MacBook the Best Investment For Students?

Having the right tools for students is essential for success in academic life. With the increasing reliance on technology for education, investing in a quality machine is no longer a luxury but a necessity. One of the most popular options among students is the MacBook. If you are an educator, discover why a Mac might be the right choice for your high school students.

From its powerful features to its sleek design, a MacBook can give students everything they need to excel academically. This blog will explore the importance of having the right tools for higher education students and why a MacBook is the best investment, including how they can help the students with tasks such as research, writing, collaboration, and more. 

Mac Features for Higher Education Students

As a higher education student, you need a computer to handle all your academic tasks efficiently. If you’re using a Mac, you’re in luck because many features are specifically designed to make your student’s life easier. Check out the key features of Mac that are particularly useful for higher education students.

Productivity Features

What sets the MacBook apart from other laptops is its productivity features. Let’s discuss some of the most helpful productivity features of a MacBook that can help you stay organised and focused.

1. Split View

One of the best productivity features of MacBook is the Split View feature. With Split View, you can easily split your screen in half and open two different applications simultaneously. It benefits students with multiple applications available simultaneously for research or study purposes.

Screenshot of Productivity feature - split screen in MacBook, to do two works simultaneously.

For example, you can have your research article available on one side and your notes application open on the other, making it easy to take notes and reference the paper simultaneously.

 2. Mission Control

Another useful productivity feature of MacBook is Mission Control. Mission Control lets you see all your open windows and applications at once, making it easy to switch between them quickly.

MacBook Mission Control to multitask easily. best features

It is beneficial for students who have multiple applications and windows open at the same time. With Mission Control, you can quickly find the needed window or application and easily switch to it.

3. Notes 

The Notes application on MacBook is an excellent tool for staying organised and productive. With Notes, you can create notes and to-do lists, add attachments and images, and even sketch ideas with the built-in drawing tools. It benefits students who need to keep track of assignments, due dates, and important information. With Notes, you can keep everything in one place and easily access it whenever required.

4. Reminders 

Reminders are another excellent productivity feature of MacBook. You can create reminders for essential tasks, assignments, and deadlines with Reminders. For example, you can set due dates and times, and Reminders will send you notifications when the deadline is approaching. This is particularly useful for students who must keep track of multiple assignments and deadlines.

With Reminders, you can stay on top of your work and never miss an important deadline.

Set Reminders via Siri or add reminders to maintain deadlines. MacBook features best for students.

MacBook is an excellent choice for students who need a powerful and efficient machine with excellent productivity features. With features like Split View, Mission Control, Notes, and Reminders, students can stay organised and focused, making it easier to excel academically.

Collaboration Features

With the increase in online & hybrid learning, students need practical tools to communicate and work together in virtual environments. As a result, collaboration is essential to the learning process in today’s higher education landscape. Here are the collaboration features that are useful for higher education students.

1. FaceTime

FaceTime is a popular video conferencing app that allows students to communicate with each other in real time. FaceTime will enable students to hold group discussions, work on projects, and attend virtual study groups. This app is handy for students located in different parts of the world or unable to meet in person due to scheduling conflicts.

2. Messages

The Messages app on MacBook is another excellent tool for collaboration. With Messages, students can communicate with each other via text, audio, and even video. This app is handy for students who need to share quick updates or send files to each other. Messages also allow students to create group chats, making coordinating group projects and assignments easy.

3. iCloud

iCloud is a cloud storage service offered by Apple that allows students to store and share files. With iCloud, students can create shared folders for group projects and assignments, making it easy to collaborate and work together. iCloud also allows students to access their files from any device, making it easy to stay organised and productive.

4. Group Projects

Group Projects is a collaboration feature built into many higher education platforms, such as Blackboard and Canvas. This feature allows students to work together on assignments and projects in a virtual environment. In addition, group Projects typically include tools for communication, file sharing, and project management, making it easy for students to collaborate effectively.

Collaboration is an essential part of higher education, and MacBook offers a range of tools and features that can help students work together more efficiently and effectively. From FaceTime to Group Projects, these collaboration features make it easy for students to communicate, share files, and work together in virtual environments.

Accessibility Features

Higher education should be accessible to all students, regardless of their physical abilities or disabilities. Here are four accessibility features that are particularly useful for higher education students.

1. VoiceOver

VoiceOver is a built-in screen reader that allows students with visual impairments to use their MacBook. With VoiceOver, students can use gestures and keyboard shortcuts to navigate their MacBook and interact with applications. This feature is handy for students who rely on auditory feedback to guide their computers.

2. Zoom 

Zoom is a built-in feature that allows students to magnify the screen on their MacBook. With Zoom, students with visual impairments can enlarge the text and graphics on their screen, making it easier to read and navigate. Zoom also includes features for changing the colour contrast and reducing motion, making usage of MacBook for students with sensory processing issues easier.

3. Dictation 

Dictation is a built-in feature that allows students to dictate text instead of typing it. With Dictation, students can speak into their MacBook and have their words converted into text. This feature is handy for students with motor impairments or disabilities that make typing difficult.

4. Display accommodations

Display Accommodations is a set of features that allows students to customise the display on their MacBook. For example, with Display Accommodations, students can adjust the colour contrast, reduce motion, and use grayscale mode. These features are handy for students with sensory processing issues or visual impairments.

Accessibility is an essential part of higher education, and MacBook offers a range of accessibility features from VoiceOver to Display Accommodations. These features make it easier for all students to use their MacBooks and access the same educational opportunities as their peers.

Benefits of Using Mac for Higher Education Students

A higher education student must have a reliable and efficient computer for success. While many options are available, Macs are often popular among students. Macs offer a range of benefits that can make your academic life easier.

Security and Privacy

With the increased reliance on digital technology for academic purposes, students must take steps to protect their personal information and data. Therefore, security and privacy are critical for higher education students using MacBooks. Here are three security and privacy features that are particularly useful for higher education students.

1. Touch ID

Touch ID is a biometric authentication feature allowing users to unlock their MacBook using fingerprints. This feature provides an additional layer of security for students who need to access sensitive information or data. Additionally, students can use Touch ID to ensure they can only access their MacBook and its content.

2. FileVault 

FileVault is a built-in encryption feature that protects the data on a MacBook. With FileVault, students can encrypt their entire hard drive, making it much more difficult for unauthorised users to access their files. This feature is handy for students who store sensitive information, such as research data or personal information, on their MacBooks.

3. Firewall

The Firewall is a built-in feature that helps protect a MacBook from unauthorised network access. The Firewall monitors incoming network connections and can block any links that are deemed suspicious or malicious. This feature is handy for students who frequently connect to public Wi-Fi networks, which can be vulnerable to hacking and cyber-attacks.

Security and privacy are critical considerations for higher education students who use MacBooks. By using features such as Touch ID, FileVault, and Firewall, students can take steps to protect their personal information and data. In addition, by implementing these security features, students can focus on their academic pursuits without worrying about the security of their MacBooks and the information stored on them.

Integration with Other Apple Devices

Integration with other Apple devices can be highly beneficial. For example, students can streamline their workflow and increase productivity by seamlessly connecting their MacBooks to other Apple devices. Here are three integration features that are particularly useful for higher education students.

1. Continuity

Continuity is a feature that allows students to seamlessly transition between their MacBook and other Apple devices, such as their iPhone or iPad. For example, students can start an email on their MacBook and finish it on their iPhone without losing progress. This feature can save time and increase productivity for students who frequently switch between devices.

2. AirDrop

AirDrop is a feature that allows students to transfer files between their MacBook and other Apple devices quickly. This feature is handy for group projects, as students can quickly share files and documents without using email or cloud storage.

3. Handoff

Handoff is a feature that allows students to begin one task on an Apple device & finish it on another. For example, students can start reading an article on their iPhones and continue reading it on their MacBooks without having to search for the paper again. This feature can save time and increase productivity for students who use multiple Apple devices.

Integration with other Apple devices can be highly beneficial for higher education students who use MacBooks. Students can streamline their workflow and increase productivity using Continuity, AirDrop, and Handoff features. In addition, these integration features can save time for students.

Superior Hardware and Software

The superior hardware and software of using MacBooks can greatly benefit higher education students. Apple’s commitment to providing high-quality hardware and software ensures students can rely on their MacBooks for their academic pursuits. In addition, three features make the MacBook a superior choice for higher education students.

1. Retina Display

The MacBook’s Retina display offers a high-resolution screen with crisp, clear, and vibrant visuals. This feature is handy for students who need to view detailed images, diagrams, or videos for their coursework. In addition, the Retina display reduces eye strain, which can help students avoid fatigue during long study sessions.

2. macOS

The macOS is the operating system that powers the MacBook. It is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for students to navigate and use their MacBooks. The macOS also offers built-in features such as Siri, Spotlight, and Time Machine, which can help students be more productive and organised.

3. Apple Support

Apple provides excellent customer support for its products, including the MacBook. Students can access Apple Support through various phone, email, and chat support channels. Apple Support also provides online resources such as user manuals, forums, and troubleshooting guides, making it easy for students to find solutions to any issues they may encounter with their MacBook.

MacBook’s superior hardware and software can significantly benefit higher education students. With features such as a Retina display, macOS, and Apple Support, the MacBook is intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient, making it a top choice for students who need a reliable and powerful computer.

Portability and Battery Life

The portability and battery life of MacBook make it an excellent choice for higher education students who need a reliable and efficient computer that can keep up with their demanding academic schedule. Here are two critical benefits of MacBook’s portability and extended battery life for students:

Benefits of MacBook's portability for students

MacBook’s portability is one of its significant advantages for students. It’s lightweight, so effortless to carry around campus or between classes. As a result, students can work on their assignments, research papers, or presentations from any location, whether it’s a library, coffee shop, or lecture hall. MacBook’s portability also makes it easier for students to collaborate with their classmates, as they can quickly bring their MacBook to group study sessions or work on group projects on the go.

Extended battery life and how it enhances productivity

MacBook’s extended battery life is another critical advantage for students. With up to 12 hours of battery life, students can work on their MacBooks for an entire day without worrying about finding an outlet to recharge. This extended battery life benefits students with a busy academic schedule and the need to work on their MacBooks for extended periods. In addition, it allows students to be more productive and efficient, as they can work on their assignments or research papers without being interrupted by the need to recharge their MacBooks.

The portability and battery life of MacBook make it an excellent choice for higher education students who need a reliable and efficient machine. Its portability allows students to work on their assignments and collaborate with classmates from any location. At the same time, its extended battery life enhances productivity by enabling students to work for extended periods without interruption. These features make the MacBook an ideal computer for students who need a powerful and flexible tool to help them succeed academically.

Cost-effectiveness of MacBook for Students

The cost-effectiveness of MacBooks is often a concern for higher education students. However, two key factors make MacBooks a cost-effective investment for students:

MacBooks are affordable

Contrary to popular belief, MacBook models are available at various prices, making them more affordable than many students realise. iPlanet Enterprise also offers discounts for students and educators, making purchasing a MacBook at a lower price easier. Additionally, the MacBook’s longevity and durability mean it can last several years, providing students with a reliable and efficient computer for their academic careers.

Durability & Longevity of MacBooks: Cost-effective investment

MacBooks are known for their durability and longevity, which make them a cost-effective investment for students. Unlike other computers, MacBooks are made of high-quality materials that withstand wear and tear. As a result, students can use their MacBooks for several years without worrying about frequent repairs or replacements. Additionally, MacBooks have a higher resale value than other computers, meaning that students can recoup a significant portion of their investment if they decide to sell their MacBooks later.

The cost-effectiveness of MacBooks for higher education students is an essential factor to consider. In addition, the cost-effectiveness of the MacBook makes it an ideal choice for students who need a reliable and efficient computer that can help them succeed academically.


Investing in a MacBook is one of the best decisions you can make. From its productivity features to its collaboration and accessibility features, the MacBook help students succeed academically. In addition, the integration with other Apple devices, the superior hardware and software, and the cost-effectiveness of the MacBook make it an ideal choice for students looking for a reliable and efficient computer.

At iPlanet Education – Apple Education Specialist, we understand the unique needs of learners and educators. We offer many Apple products and solutions to help students and educators succeed. Whether you need a MacBook, iPad, or other Apple devices, our team of experts can help you choose the right products to meet your needs.

We also offer training and support services to ensure you grab the most out of your Apple products. So why wait? Visit iPlanet Education – Apple Education Specialist today and start investing in your education with the best technology available.

Photo credits: Mikhail Nilov on Pixels